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A vacation at the Neubergerhof from the perspective of a guest

The anticipation for the vacation is - just like last time - huge! And this time, even Hansi and Lea's grandparents are coming along!

As the father of the family, Markus, felt that traveling by train was much more relaxed than having to travel in two cars, he enquired in advance at the Neubergerhof about booking the hotel shuttle and then opted for the option of being picked up directly at the train station in Bischofshofen and taken to the hotel.

It's much more relaxed, he thought to himself.

They hadn't even arrived at the hotel when Lea was already looking forward to the kids' club, as she knew that she would be spending a lot of time in the fresh air over the next few days. Mom Luise had also enquired in advance and signed Lea up for the dwarf ski course, which is for kids aged 3-6 and is located directly below the hotel.

16:00: Now they were finally there, the drive to the hotel passed in a flash. The family had already checked in online, so all they had to do was pick up their room cards at reception and their vacation could begin! - But before they went to their room, the family treated themselves to a few delicacies at the afternoon snack, which now awaits them every day from 3:30 to 5:00 pm.

For Grandma and Grandpa, it was the first time they had been on vacation at the Neubergerhof. They were both amazed when they saw how family-friendly the hotel's surroundings and facilities were.

While the rest of the family enjoyed the culinary delights of the evening menu, Hansi was very excited, because for him this vacation meant "off to the slopes", he was allowed to take part in the ski course in Filzmoos together with the older kids from the hotel. This takes place every day except Saturday, he explained to his grandpa. Hansi had decided to really use all the days for skiing, as at home the slopes would feel like an eternity away ... however, Hansi is not yet sure whether he wants to attend a full-day course on all these days or just the morning course at the ski school in between.

But that shouldn't be a problem, because he can always think about it until the day before, his mom was told at reception. The only important thing for him was that he got hold of the coolest rental skis ever! - He was allowed to hire them on the day of his arrival at Sport Stefan, which is the name of the store in the hotel.

The excitement slowly turned into tiredness and Hansi was taken to his room by Grandma & Grandpa, together with his sister, and made ready for bed. How convenient that the grandparents live right next door! - They opted for the "family suite" offer, where grandma and grandpa's rooms are right next door and connected by a connecting door. - "Simply great!" said the grandparents.

The first day had passed.

The alarm clock rang at 7 o'clock the next morning. They were drawn to the breakfast buffet, which is set up daily from 7:30-10:30.

Over a warm cup of tea, the family discussed the day's schedule and what was planned for the following days. Grandpa was very impressed by all the activities the hotel had to offer. The alpaca walks and the guided snowshoe hikes with Filzmoos Aktiv sounded particularly exciting to him, which he found out about in the morning post, which is freshly printed and filled with tips at the breakfast table every day.

But first and foremost, Luise and Markus were excited to see how their two offspring would do on the slopes - because in just over an hour, they would be hitting the slopes. Lea was picked up in front of the hotel by the snow cab, which is the name of the quad that takes the dwarf ski course children to their piste. Hansi, on the other hand, took the ski bus together with the older children - and accompanied by junior boss Martin - to the Filzmoos ski school, where he and all the other kids were then picked up again after the full-day course (with lunchtime supervision from the ski school) and taken back to the hotel.

For all those children who are at the hotel at lunchtime, such as Lea, who came back from her first dwarf ski course day at half past eleven, there is also the option for the kids to have lunch together with the WASTL children's club at 13:30.

Grandma found this particularly great, as it made the vacation much more relaxed for all family members! The adults were able to spend the day just as relaxed and according to their wishes as the children. Everyone was happy.

Just like last summer, Mama Luise went for a massage and then to the sauna area. Oh, how she had missed this atmosphere!

Her husband spent time with his grandparents on the sun terrace, where it was cozy and warm thanks to cuddly blankets and hot drinks. The conversations with his parents also provided a special warmth in his heart, as he rarely got to talk to them about God and the world in everyday life. How good that there's enough time for that on a Neubergerhof vacation! <3

Luise soon joined them, because it was 3.30 pm and they were having an afternoon snack. Of course nobody wants to miss out on that! - Lea also came all the way up from the kids' club to join her family.

After the afternoon snack, the group made their way to their rooms to freshen up and wait for Hansi, who certainly had a lot to tell.
Still in their rooms, both kids talked about their first day of skiing and were already looking forward to the next.

After the family had had dinner, they joined two familiar faces in the lobby. They knew them from home, they were friends of theirs who had come to the Neubergerhof on the recommendation of Luise and Markus. They were also amazed at how nice it was here, even for couples!

They were particularly pleased with the small gift, a bottle of wine, which they received as "recommended guests" on their first arrival.

Luise was also able to choose between a sauna towel and a cosmetics bag as a thank you for recommending us.

The two families planned a few activities for the coming days, which they found in the Neubergerhof app, and then rounded off the evening in a relaxed atmosphere.

The following days of the vacation were spent doing the following:

  • By horse-drawn carriage to the Hofalmen, followed by a walk around the Almsee lake.

  • A day of skiing together in Filzmoos: they picked up their ski passes - without any fuss - at the hotel reception, then took the free ski bus (which also runs for non-skiers) to Filzmoos and onto the slopes. - Hansi was already on the slopes with the ski school anyway and Lea was also there, as she had learned a lot on the dwarf ski course, so she was now ready for the Filzmoos ski school.

  • Wellness was high on the ladies' list, because what could be better than relaxing in the heated outdoor infinity pool after skiing?

  • The kids were keen to go bobsleighing, while Grandpa speculated on a biathlon course, as he had found out at reception that this is offered via the hotel and directly on the cross-country ski trail here in Neuberg.

Sounds like a great program for your winter vacation, doesn't it?

And the best thing about it? - It could soon be your vacation!

We look forward to receiving your inquiries & to informing you in the best possible way about activities in snowy Filzmoos!

See you soon at the Neubergerhof,

Three man relaxing in the sauna.
Three people on a biathlon course in front of the hotel Neubergerhof.
A horse drawn carriage drives over a snow-covered bridge.
The hotel neubergerhof in a winter wonderland.
Ski instructor of the Filzmoos ski school on skis sitting on a swing.


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