EVERYTHING NEW TAKES TIME! We are still in the construction phase, and it will take time until everything is completed and the administrative and organizational aspects are back in place. Therefore, some information about services and infrastructure on our website is still incomplete or not yet clearly defined. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact us directly!
EVERYTHING NEW TAKES TIME! We are still in the construction phase, and it will take time until everything is completed and the administrative and organizational aspects are back in place. Therefore, some information about services and infrastructure on our website is still incomplete or not yet clearly defined. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact us directly!
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Address, company information and legal information at a glance


Hotel ...mein Neubergerhof ****
Family Reiter
Neuberger Straße 11
5532 Filzmoos

T +43 6453 8381
F +43 6453 8381 63
W www.neubergerhof.at

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Data privacy statement

Data privacy is very important to us. The data privacy statement of the Hotel Reiter GmbH is based on the terms used by the European body issuing directives and regulations when issuing the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO).

EU-Regulation N. 524/2013

Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

Gutscheinsystem von Incert - Online Gutscheine verkaufen

The voucher shop was created by Incert, the specialist for online sales and marketing of all kinds of gift vouchers. The individually adapted website of incert.at  allows vouchers to be sold automatically using Print @ home and to be able to personalize the vouchers with dedications, designs and coupon codes.

© Photos

  • Hotel Reiter GmbH
  • Tourist information Filzmoos
  • Selina Flasch
  • Tourist information St. Johann in Salzburg
  • Salzwelten
  • Alfred Hahn
  • Coen Weesjes
  • Klaus Bauer
  • Gerhard Wolkersdorfer
  • Wagrain-Kleinarl Tourist information
  • Flachau Tourist information
  • unsplash.com
  • Roland Wimmer
  • Mannitou Outdoor
  • Werbeagentur Algo
  • Snow-Space-Salzburg_Christian-Schartner
  • Tourismusinformation Filzmoos


If parts or individual formulations of this text should not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.
In order to make the content of this website or our blog, as well as on social media, easier to read, we have chosen either the male or female form of personal names. This in no way implies discrimination against the opposite sex. So when we talk about entrepreneurs, employees or customers, for example, we mean entrepreneurs and employees equally and of course. All information and offers address women and men equally.
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